What Is A PPSR Report and Why Should You Get One

A PPSR (Personal Property Security Registration) report provides all critical information about security interests in personal property. These are mainly related to obligations and debts on the property by the holder. PPSR is the official register maintained by the Government of Australia and was launched on 30th Jan 2012. If you are looking for data and some info about a specific property, the easiest way is to get ppsr certificate

When the system was introduced, its goal was to replace a few existing systems such as the state-based registers like the REVS and other vehicle registers as well as the ASIC Register of Company Charges, and others and bring them all into one centralized database. This database or register is called the PPSR.

The point now is why should you get ppsr certificate. It is because from it you will know if anybody has a security interest in a specific property before you buy or lend money against it. Once you know from the report that a person or financial institution has a lien over it, you will not invest further in the property as there will always be the fear of repossession. 

Look at it now from the angle of the owner of a property. You should always register it on the PPSR if you are selling on retention of title terms or consignment and even when you are hiring or leasing out goods. The benefit here is that you will be protected if your customer goes bankrupt as you can then establish your rights by proving it when you get PPSR certificate.

Hence, a PPSR report is critical both for a buyer and seller of property. 


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